Yacon, Leaves of Three

Greetings all. I would like to expand on Bill’s blog entry on three leafed yacon. I am growing the ‘Original’ yacon variety from Peace Seedlings. For the first time in three years one plant has produced three leaves per whorl. All of the other plants have retained the more typical two leaf arrangement. Interestingly, the three-leafed variation is only found in the terminal bud; all of the lower axial buds are two leafed. Additionally, the three-leafed plant is noticeably more dwarf than the surrounding two-leafed plants.Yacon-three-leaf-1.jpg


Cool! So, apparently this isn’t that uncommon, but easy to miss. I think I will try to take a cutting from one of the plants that is doing this and rooting it to see if the laterals then produce three leaves as well. Where the laterals are two-leafed, the rhizomes will probably not retain the 3-leaf trait.